Carly Harling
Implementation Specialist
Carly joins Voicescape, having spent the previous 16 years in the Local Authority and Housing sector. During this time, Carly has worked intensively within Income Management, Tenancy Sustainability and managed the rollout of Universal Credit within a Housing setting, ensuring income loss to the organisation was mitigated which in turn allowed tenants have the best chances of sustaining and succeeding within their tenancies.
Carly will work closely with Income Teams during the implementation of Caseload Manager, recognising precisely the positive impact this will have on organisations and most importantly, helping to sustain tenancies – in turn allowing officer’s to be able to dedicate more of their time, to the customers who need their help on the front line, are harder to reach and those who will be impacted by Welfare Reforms, such as the Move to UC roll-out and other key risks such as the Cost of Living Crisis. Carly is also an active board member for Citizens Advice Doncaster Borough and currently working with the CEO on the continued roll-out of Move to UC and access to financial support across the City of Doncaster.
Outside of work, Carly loves spending time with her Children, Sport, Yoga and about to start Barre!
LinkedIn | carly.harling@voicescape.com